Using RoutBot® with your CAD-CAM is Easy!
1. Install RoutBot® on the same PC as your CAD-CAM and work more efficiently
Since RoutBotĀ® CNC friendly graphical user interface software requires very little CPU resources, you can install it on the same computer as your CAD-CAM software computer and use a single computer for designing your parts and controlling your cnc machine.
List of Supported CAD-CAM Software
2. Configure your CAD-CAM Sofware for your RoutBot® CNC Controller
With RoutCad® CAD-CAM just click on configuration and select your RoutBot® CNC Controller, as in the figure bellow :
3. Configuring your CNC machine with RoutBot Example :
Once your CAD-CAM has been properly configured, you go to RoutBot® to configure your CNC machine parameters.
Configuring your cnc machine with RoutBot, practical example. If you have an existing CNC machine already properly configure, there is nothing to do.
To get RoutBot going you just need to configure the "parameters", "velocity", and "acceleration" as seen in the following figures:
You can also open with a click of a bottom a pre-defined parameter file that match your cnc machine.